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New JM Series 15, granulators for injection moulding

The acronym JM identifies two new models without soundproof box, in addition to the existing ones of the same series with the box on board. A precise design brief, well studied in years thanks to partnership with customers, has driven the entire project. The longitudinal and slim shape allowed us to reduce their lateral foot print up to 50% compared to the conventional granulators, thus leaving more space between one press and the other, so that the operator can work more easily. Modular design is another important feature of these units. All hoppers are designed for feeding by robot and for in-line grinding.

The funnel, which works also as screen holder, is integrated to the grinding chamber and easily removable. The grinding chamber, thanks to its particular shape, is dust-tight. The access to the new machines is tools free and from one side only .

Many features of these products are in compliance with TRIA high standards; others have been improved. Reduced installed power, 1.5 kW. Established features are the effective cut and the high regrind material quality have been obtained using the single blade able to grind both sprues and scrap pieces, unlike the multi-blade granulators. As far as the noise level reduction, JM rotor has an innovative design, with a new section, and guarantees an adequate noise level in injection moulding unit, in terms of absolute value and, above all, in correspondence of those frequencies that most disturb the human ear. We achieved such results thanks to the collaboration with a qualified acoustic university laboratory, through a series of tests performed in semi-anechoic chamber. Along with the same institute we also designed an optional kit for additional soundproofing, dedicated to the production units in which electric presses are running, as well known these are more silent than the hydraulic ones.